THE SWAG BLOG — Category_The Swag News

What is the Difference Between The Starter Pack and the Organic Starter Pack?

What is the Difference Between The Starter Pack and the Organic Starter Pack?

Quite a few Swaggers have asked us the differences between our best-seller, the Starter Pack, and our brand new Organic Starter Pack so we’ve listed the most important differences in the table below.

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10 Ways To Save Money And Reduce Household Waste

10 Ways To Save Money And Reduce Household Waste

There are so many ways you can save a penny here and there while also doing favours for the planet! Each cent adds up, and with the rising cost of living, now is more important than ever to find ways to not only reduce waste, but to reduce our spending!

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How to start your own compost bin in Australia

How to Start Your Own Compost Bin in Australia

Here at The Swag, we’re all about natural living, zero waste and taking care of the environment. One fantastic way to do this is to use a compost bin, which is an enclosed version of a compost heap or compost pile, in your home or business. There are numerous benefits of starting your own compost bin including sending less waste to landfill, reducing pollution and promoting the growth of fruit, vegetables, flowers, plants and trees. Below we have compiled a list of tips and tricks, so you can quickly and easily start your very own compost pile today:  Build or Buy...

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Tips on selecting reusable bags for fruit and vegetables

Tips on Selecting Reusable Bags for Fruit and Vegetables

Have you heard about reusable bags for fruit and vegetables? These aren’t the bags you use for your shopping, they are an alternative to the rolls of small plastic bags you see in the fruit and veggie aisles in the supermarket. Just imagine how many of these little plastic bags you get through in a year and they all end up in landfills and waterways. Reusable fruit and vegetable bags are a great option if you want to save the environment! So you’ll be happy to know that The Swag produce bags help you to cut down on all this...

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5 Benefits of the Paleo Diet

5 Benefits of the Paleo Diet

In recent years, there has been massive talk around the Paleo Diet here in Australia. Celebrity chefs including Pete Evans have been huge advocates of this way of living due to the long list of health benefits associated with it. The Paleo or ‘Caveman’ diet involves eating food which our ancestors may have eaten up to 200,000 years ago. It eliminates all processed foods and strips our food intake back to a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, organic grass-fed meat and fish and seafood. Given the nutrient-dense nature of the diet, there are many health improvements which accompany it....

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How to Reduce Your Individual Carbon Footprint

How to Reduce Your Individual Carbon Footprint

Every day we hear about the effects climate change is having on the world we live in. Carbon pollution is having a serious negative impact on the environment and governments around the world are introducing plans to combat it. It is affecting the weather causing natural disasters and crop failure, amongst other environmental issues. Collectively we all contribute by the decisions we make each day. Below are 5 ways to reduce your individual carbon footprint to minimize your impact on our precious surroundings: Take Public Transport Vehicle emissions are a huge contributor to carbon pollution in Australia and around the...

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 Reduce How Much Plastic You Use Everyday

15 Quick Tips to Reduce Your Plastic Use Everyday

It’s been highly published in recent years just how big of a negative impact plastic product are having on our environment and the world around us. Here at The Swag, we’re very passionate about sourcing alternatives to plastic and below are 15 quick tips for drastically reducing your individual plastic usage: Use a re-usable cup for your coffee fix preventing plastic lids or cups being needlessly thrown away each time. Buy cardboard boxes instead of plastic bottles where possible, for items such as laundry powder or dishwashing tablets. For your grocery shopping use a reusable cotton bag instead of the...

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5 Tips for Starting Your Own Vegetable Patch in Australia

5 Tips for Starting Your Own Vegetable Patch in Australia

There are many benefits associated with starting your own vegetable patch here in Australia. It can save you money, help the environment and it also comes with the massive benefit of knowing exactly where your fresh produce is coming from and exactly what it has been treated with. It’s also not as daunting a task as many think - it just takes time, patience and a little trial and error. Below are 5 tips from us here at The Swag HQ to start your very own vegetable-garden right here in Australia: Consider Soil & Location Carefully The location of your...

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